The LIFT Council is the umbrella body for independent organisations partnering with the NHS to deliver high-quality healthcare infrastructure for communities across England.
Over the last two decades, partners in The LIFT Council have supported our NHS by:
Delivering 350 high quality, modern primary care and community facilities

Supporting the move to integrated care for the benefit of patients with nine out of ten projects being in deprived areas

Providing space for over 1,400 doctors, nurses and other health professionals

Securing investment of over £2.5bn of private capital for just £100m of public money

NHS LIFT companies are partnerships between the health service and independent partners. The NHS has a 40% stake in all LIFT projects, with the remaining 60% coming from partner investment. This means LIFTCos, and the buildings that have produced are very much part of the NHS family and we greatly value this relationship. The LIFT Council is the umbrella body for independent partners, working with the NHS on these schemes.
The members of The LIFT Council are proud to partner with the NHS in delivering high-quality, flexible healthcare infrastructure across England. Established in 2001, the LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust) programme has brought about the largest and most concentrated investment by the NHS and the private sector in the primary healthcare and community estate. It has meant that many communities are able to have health facilities that otherwise may not have been possible.
The projects have been designed to support better patient outcomes, make services more accessible for those in greatest need, and provide modern, purpose-built environments for staff. The 350 integrated health, community and wellbeing schemes delivered by the LIFT Programme support community-based healthcare and wellbeing and the integration of local services for the benefit of citizens.
A comprehensive piece of research commissioned in 2014 by Amion Consulting demonstrated that:
The LIFT Programme has driven a significant improvement in the quality of accommodation, improving working conditions via better quality facilities for NHS and care workers, and ensuring a wide range of service providers.
Outmoded and inadequate premises have been replaced with high quality, flexible accommodation conforming to NHS standards.
LIFT projects have played a key role in providing modern and flexible facilities necessary to meet the diverse health and wellbeing needs of disadvantaged populations.
LIFT has brought care closer to patients and integrated a greater range of services under one roof, in better environments. It has also facilitated other programmes aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles and more outpatient activity.
9 out of 10 LIFT buildings were in areas with above average health needs.
40% of total investment has been made in the 10% most deprived local communities – key to the levelling up agenda.
LIFT developments provided employment opportunities for 30,000 mostly local people.
£1.3bn was injected into the SME sector.
80% of infrastructure investment when realising these community assets was with local businesses.
The members of The LIFT Council are strategic estates partners for the NHS, with a 20-year track record of delivering high quality, modern primary and community care facilities for hundreds of doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals across the country.

NHS LIFT companies are partnerships between the public and independent sectors. The public sector has a 40% stake in all LIFT projects with the remaining 60% coming from the private sector. This means LIFTCos and the buildings that have produced are very much part of the NHS family.


Our Members

Sarah Beaumont-Smith
Chair of The LIFT Council, Regional Lead (London) and Chief Executive Officer
Sarah Beaumont-Smith was elected as the first Chair of The LIFT Council in March 2021. She has been Chief Executive of Fulcrum Infrastructure Group since 2019, overseeing Fulcrum’s investment in more than 40 community healthcare facilities across the UK, working with Fulcrum’s parent company Meridiam.

Elaine Siew
Vice-Chair and Treasurer of The LIFT Council, Regional Lead (South) and Chief Executive Officer
Elaine Siew heads up gbpartnerships Group, a company providing a range of development, investment and property services, end to end from strategic planning to asset management. Its partnering approach has delivered more than £300m worth of new healthcare facilities and delivers a range of consultancy services including strategic estates planning, development and project, asset and estates management.

Nigel Bennett
Nigel leads the Carveti Group, an end-to-end solutions provider which partners with UK health and social care organisations to optimise their estate management to maximise value while improving staff and patient outcomes. He has over 30 years’ experience of developing businesses utilising joint venture models, Public Private Partnership (PPP) and private finance.

Emma Boulton
Chief Executive Officer
Community Ventures
Emma, an FRICS Chartered Surveyor, has held senior leadership roles in local government, Director roles in NHS provider trusts and Regional roles within the national bodies in the NHS.
Emma has established a solid reputation amongst her peers for her organisational skills and delivery focus in overseeing a variety of significant projects including large capital schemes, governance reviews, managing large disposals portfolios, acquisitions, policy development, landlord and tenant management and FM contract re-tendering.

Hannah Cashmore
Regional Lead (Midlands & East) and Group Financial Controller
Hannah leads the in-house finance team to deliver statutory financial and management accounting for Prime and its group companies, and is responsible for managing tax, VAT, treasury and payroll. Hannah’s strengths lie in creating financial systems that deliver up-to-the-minute financial information to the Prime Board and External Shareholders to help them with decision making. She also plays a key role in the management of financial information for Prime’s LIFT Companies and joint venture partners, including bank compliance and reporting.

Mark Day
Health Development Team
Mark Day has been a member of the Health Development Team at Equity Solutions Group since December 2020. Prior to this, he worked for Community Health Partnerships for ten years, serving as Senior Regional Director in the North West, Executive Director and CFO and finishing off as Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive.

Charlotte Douglass
Director, Asset Management
Charlotte Douglass is a Director within the Asset Management team at Equitix, where she is joined in June 2016, and leads the asset management of the non – acute health social infrastructure team within Equitix (including LIFT assets). Charlotte has 20 years of transactional and advisory experience in Real Estate and Infrastructure. Prior to Equitix, Charlotte was an Assistant Director within the Real Estate Corporate Finance team at EY. She has a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Birmingham, an MSc in Real Estate Management from Oxford Brookes University and is a member of RICS.

Lesley McGregor
Regional Lead (North West) and Managing Director
Lesley McGregor joined Eric Wright Health and Social Care in November 2021 from Community Health Partnerships (CHP) where she worked for eight and a half years, six of which she held the position of regional property director across the North West and North East and Yorkshire. At CHP, Lesley was responsible for the property and asset management function of the LIFT estate as well as being the national soft facilities management lead for £40million worth of contracts from procuring the services to contract delivery.

Tim Wigglesworth
Chief Executive Officer
Tim Wigglesworth has been Chief Executive of Citycare and Shared Agenda since 2012, delivering health and social care estates solutions to a wide range of customers across Yorkshire and nationally. A graduate of Northumbria University, Tim began his career working for Hull City Council as its Principal Property Manager and Senior Development Manager.

The Rt Hon Alan Johnson, former Secretary of State for Health and Chair of Citycare LIFTCo
The success of NHS LIFT over the last two decades and its resilience during the pandemic has shown the enormous contribution it could make as the NHS moves into a new era of integration.

The Rt Hon
Boris Johnson MP
I appreciate all the major benefits the NHS LIFT initiative and LIFT companies involved have brought to improving and modernising local primary and community health facilities in the NHS. (writing as Prime Minister).

House of Commons Public Accounts Select Committee
The LIFT initiative was introduced to remedy the poor quality of primary care premises in some areas [In many deprived areas] LIFT schemes may be the only option for building new primary care premises.
Over its first 20 years, the NHS LIFT programme has delivered hundreds high-quality, flexible primary and community care facilities, the majority of which have been in the areas of the most need. These achievements have been recognised from all sides of the political spectrum.

For more information about the work of the LIFT Council and our members, please contact our Secretariat on
The LIFT Council
C/O Connect Group
Third Floor, Millbank Tower
London, SW1P 4QP
Media enquiries: 020 7592 9592, theliftcouncil@connectpa.co.uk
Connect Group provide the Secretariat to the LIFT Council.